Social Development
Learning to form friendships and create an inclusive community.
The importance of social-emotional learning is deeply rooted in the mission and core values at Collective Learning Academy. In every classroom, the foundation for learning is a warm, inclusive community and strong, caring relationships between children and teachers. Intelligence and grades alone do not lead to success in life. Rather, getting along with others and the ability to form friendships are associated with success in life.
Friendship helps to shape personality and mental health. Social learning occurs throughout various settings in a child’s school day. This is where students develop their sense of autonomy and their independent voice, even as they develop the values, rules and responsibilities of citizenship in a community.
Each day students actively engage their bodies and minds – they negotiate roles, flex their imaginations, experience conflict and peace-making, cooperate for a common goal, work as a team, share materials, forge friendships, assert their feelings and rebound from disappointments.