Preparing students for independence and 21st century work life.
Our curriculum integrates collaborative, project-based learning in all four of the core areas:
Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.
Our goal is to prepare our students to become independent adults, who possess the skills required by a 21st century work environment, including analytical thinking and the ability to get along and collaborate with others to solve problems and complete projects in a group. Some of our students need assistance articulating their concepts and ideas and are given the support and space to do so.
Word Study
This class focuses on reading comprehension, fluency building, decoding (phonics and morphology), and encoding (spelling).
This class focuses on a building a solid foundation in the mastery of number sense and fluency and procedural skills in the earlier level.
Language Arts
This class focuses on oral comprehension through read aloud, vocabulary development, writing across content areas, and literature appreciation through exposure to reading various genres.
Science and Social Studies
These classes include direct instruction and multi-sensory strategies that focus on integrating mathematics, reading, and writing skills as the students learn about the world around them. These courses are designed to develop technology skills, problem solving, team building, research, and exploration. We challenge our students to be critical thinkers by giving them authentic experiences through many field trips and projects.